Tantric Masseuses
For gentlemen who look beyond the obvious for a more intense erotic experience, this Manchester escorts agency now offers alternatives to the discerning client, options which include a Tantric massage experience. This ancient technique where the whole body becomes the object of attention, centres on an all-embracing massage for those willing to explore the unfathomed depths of their sensuality, lead by a trained exponent in the Tantric arts. With the different options of adult entertainment available there is every reason for clients to consider taking a different approach and uncovering deep seated sensations that surpass previous experiences.
The powers of a sensitive touch, connectivity and complete intimacy bring to the client something which can only be described as the longest lasting, all body, and orgasmic series of sensations imaginable. There is a grace to this massage that these beautiful masseuses bring to the encounter. More than a preamble or simply foreplay, the Tantric experience transcends all this taking the recipient onto a different plane where he is treated to a helping of sensual bliss and immersed in ecstasy.